Proposal for the interior design scheme of the Henry Cole room at the Royal Albert Hall. A multifunctional space that required a carefully considered approach in the use of structure, materials and colour. Our ambition was to draw influence from the iconic characteristics of the Hall and apply to an interior design solution that acknowledges, celebrates and resonates through the use of traditional detailing and a choice of stylistic direction that is sympathetic to a timeless approach and one that champions British provenance. Working in collaboration with the John Lewis Heritage Centre and the talents of the United Kingdom’s most highly regarded wall covering printers the proposed interior scheme embraced the originally commissioned 1850’s print titled Victoria and Albert Chintz. A wallcovering design with supporting narrative that suggests the print was commissioned for Victoria and Alberts 10th wedding anniversary and used in the Queen’s residence at Osbourne House. Further anecdotal evidence also concludes that Queen Victoria herself may have added the profile silhouettes in to the design.